Welcome to the

July 19th, 2003

T h e    2 K 3   W a k e l y    C r e w

Standing left to right:  EricJoeJasonGregRonChris
Kneeling:  MarkBill

You know the old saying, you can pick your Crew, you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your Crew's nose.... unless your Crew is your family.  I think we got the "pick" of the crop.  For privacy reasons, I cannot divulge many details about our crew's real life.  But what I can tell you is that Bill has some tiny little nostrils.  And none of this year's crew has spent any time in prison.... this year.  Yeah that's right, it's a crew  -  So what are you gonna do about it?   Hey who's complaining?  Not me.  

You can't always tell how tough your crew is until the doo-doo hits the rotary blades.  So when it came time to load up the van and head to the start not knowing if the bus would ever show up, or if the rest of the runners would ever show up, the fate of Wakely was in the hands of our faithful crew... and what a job they did.  It's a good thing these guys have a lot of experience with buses... mostly those short ones... you know for the "special" kids.  With all their disabilities, it was tough to find a job for each of them.  But like your favorite superhero, each crew member was selected for their "Special Ability."  Alone they might just wander around in circles muttering to themselves, but together, as a team, they wandered around together and muttered as a team.

Thank you guys, we couldn't have done it without you.

"Let no nose go unpicked"

RD Jim


