Guilty of Running in the Wilderness

July 23rd, 2005:  Extremists be damned! 
We're running to the Dam, Wakely Dam that is.  The 5th annual Damn Wakely Dam Ultra kicked off without a flaw, but not without some serious drama in the days prior to the run.  Temperatures were cool, a breeze blew over the Adirondack wilderness and even the bugs took the day off.  Everything was perfect for the 6:40AM start.  Thanks to the runners and our professional CREW for making this year's run a great success!   (follow the RD's Report link for details)

           RD's REPORT

RYNE MELCHER & LAURA BLEAKLEY led the pack across the dam with impressive times.  Ryne is no stranger to Wakely but that didn't make negotiating this course much easier. Laura, was not only new to Wakely, but relatively new to trail ultras.  Despite her newb status, Laura owned the Northville Placid Trail.