RD's Report - Part 2
July 21st, 2007
We had a great turn out this year. However, due to the mysterious disappearance (drop out) of 23 previous Wakely runners, for the first time since Wakely #2 we had more new runners than veterans. Had this fact dawned on me at the time, I would not have abbreviated my usual morning briefing. I assume anyone daring to run 32.2 miles through the Adirondack badlands would be familiar with the variable and uncontrollable nature of the wilderness. Maybe I was wrong because the post race chatter was all about the technical challenges of the first half of the course and the lack of trail markers on the second.
When I last ran Wakely myself back in 2005, I recall a warm sunny day, a trail made for running, a trail marker on every tree, and a sweet old Italian lady serving Chicken Riggies at the caretakers clearing. You see, running Wakely is like giving birth - you forget about the pain and nastiness once it's all over. Before you know it you're back in the sack trying to run another Wakely.
How could anyone not want to make sweet runner's love to
this trail?
With a humble heart I must admit that my memory of the first half of the course may have been clouded by my epidural. For once again mother nature dished out a special treat in the form of black tar pits, blow down, and slick water crossings. Not only that, there appears to be more mysterious forces at work. There are unspoken reports of goblins grabbing ankles, gremlins removing trail markers, invisible creatures crashing through the brush, body snatching, equipment stealing and worse! We even have photographic evidence of one runner who became possessed by a demon which resulted in our first ever disqualification. (unsportsmanlike conduct)
Western man has all but abandoned his belief in all that mumbo jumbo voodoo alien crap... well except for the Scientologists. That's why you'll only hear hushed whispers of this Damn Wakely Dam Ultra. I'll never speak of what I witnessed out there and I implore you, if ask, just stare... and repeat: "You were never there."
Hey, is that a trail marker in your shorts or are you just
happy to see me?
See you on 19 JUL 08!